We reproduce the gestures made by one's mother, by the charming perfume salesman or, more glamorous, that of the Hollywood actresses who voluptuously deposited a touch of perfume with a crystal pipette behind the earlobe. Few of us wonder how and where to wear perfume, and whether the chosen place matters?

And yet yes, because nothing in smells is due to chance. The actions to adopt depend both on the fragrances and on the duration for which we want them to envelop us. To be discreet but present, you need neither too much nor too little - three sprays are enough - projected 10 to 20 centimeters from the body. But one rule remains unavoidable: odors love heat, odors love life. So, putting on perfume is first of all offering your impulses the place where you are throbbing, the place of pulsations. Sometimes for yourself, and sometimes also for others.

With sensuality, we offer the birth of the neck to the Psschiit of our favorite fragrance, but also on each side at the base of the ear, in the hollow of the chest, on the navel, inside the elbows and in the hollow of the wrists . This particularly hot area of ​​the body ignites depending on the emotions... Quite a story that our Neroli Poet could tell you stories until the end of the night. All these pulsation points allow odors to penetrate more deeply and travel: each person's skin makes it a different vessel which sails towards different lands, with voluptuousness, like a Infinite Flirt . Moreover, the more natural raw materials the perfume contains, the more it will change with the skin: they are alive and evolve. Which makes each fragrance a unique scent that blends with your skin, the result of an encounter, as soon as it touches you. Precious Madness & Passive Dance will delight in nestling in these hidden or revealed places, to seduce the one who approaches. And if you don't want to choose but to immerse yourself, why not create a cloud of perfume in the air and go through it, like going through the Scorching Winter without being cold.

This moment of intimate pleasure that is the application of perfume does not only touch the skin...

You can also perfume your hair but it is better to follow a few simple rules, so as not to dry it out: simply apply the perfume to a brush or comb. Or even your clothes: it's good to snuggle up in outfits where your scent hides.

A fabric, a coat, a touch on the neck and combine scent and sensuality.

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